How to Fix GeForce Experience Preparing to Install?
GeForce Experience Preparing to Install – GeForce Experience is the companion application to your GeForce GTX graphics card. It keeps your drivers up to date, automatically optimizes your game settings, and gives you the easiest way to share your greatest gaming moments with friends. GeForce Experience provides optimal settings for over 350 games.
GeForce Experience is an important tool for gamers that have an NVIDIA graphics card. It lets you optimize different video games and update NVIDIA graphics card drivers. GeForce Experience has always performed those functions quite reliably, but it doesn’t always run perfectly. Many gamers have complained that the software gets stuck when updating their graphics card drivers.
How do I fix the GeForce Experience’s preparing to install error
1. Select the Run as administrator option for GeForce Experience
First, make sure you’re running GeForce Experience as an administrator. Right-click the GeForce Experience shortcut icon to open a context for it. Select Run as administrator on that menu.
If you don’t have a desktop shortcut for GeForce Experience, open the folder its EXE is in. Then right-click the executable file for it in that folder to select Run as administrator.
2. GeForce Experience Preparing to Install – Disable Third-Party Antivirus Software
Antivirus scanning might also stop GeForce installing the driver package. So, turn off any third-party antivirus software you have installed on your desktop or laptop.
Right-click the system tray icon for your antivirus utility to open a context menu that will probably include some kind of disable shield setting. Select the disable context menu option to temporarily deactivate the antivirus scanning before opening GeForce Experience.
3. Restore your 3D Settings to Default
If you’ve changed your Nvidia 3D settings in any way, restoring them to default might fix the preparing to install error as it has for other users.
- Right-click the Windows desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.
- Expand the 3D Settings category on the left side of the window.
- Click Manage 3D settings to open the options shown directly below.
- Click Restore to change the 3D options back to their default values.
4. Manually Download the Graphics Driver from NVIDIA’s website
You might be able to update your graphics card driver without GeForce Experience by downloading it from Nvidia’s website yourself.
- First, make sure that GeForce Experience isn’t running (check the Processes tab in Task Manager).
- Next, open the Download Drivers page on Nvidia’s website.
- Select your graphics card and Windows platform on the drop-down menus.
- Click the Search button.
- Click Download to save the driver installer to folder.
- At last open the NVIDIA graphics driver installer as an administrator.
5. GeForce Experience Preparing to Install – Turn off Windows Security
If you don’t have a third-party antivirus utility, turn off Windows Security.
- Click Windows 10’s Type here to search taskbar button.
- Type Windows Security in the search box.
- Click Windows Security to open that utility.
- Select Virus and threat protection on the left of the window.
- Click Manage settings to open the option shown directly below.
- Toggle the Real-time protection option off.
- Then try updating the graphics card driver with GeForce.
6. Reinstall Graphics card Driver
Some users might need to reinstall Nvidia graphics card drivers to update them. Our Display Driver Uninstaller guide provides details for how you can fully uninstall Nvidia drivers with that utility.
After uninstalling the graphics driver, download the required GPU driver from Nvidia’s website as outlined for the third resolution.
So, there are a few potential fixes for GeForce Experience’s preparing to install error. However, you don’t need GeForce Experience to install update Nvidia drivers. As mentioned, you can manually download the required driver package from Nvidia’s site.
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