Fix Video Driver Crashed and Was Reset on Windows – The main reason why you landed here must be probably because we have encountered the “Video Driver Crashed and was Reset” error on your Windows PC? Isn’t that right? Most users...
MRT.exe is the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool. This handy app made by Microsoft will check your PC for malware, then remove it. The app is freely distributed and built into most Windows versions. To launch it, type mrt in the...
Fix Can’t Hear Anyone on Discord– Discord is a VoIP application that was created and released back in May of 2015. It was designed for Reddit communities that were looking to replace IRC servers, with Discord ones. Since then, Discords’ popularity...
GeForce Experience Preparing to Install – GeForce Experience is the companion application to your GeForce GTX graphics card. It keeps your drivers up to date, automatically optimizes your game settings, and gives you the easiest way to share your greatest gaming...
Fix Application Load Error 5:000006543 – The error is often caused by the game’s installation not being in the same folder as Steam’s installation, causing the error to be solved by playing a Steam executable in the folder or by linking...